Friday, April 24, 2009

100th post!!!!! Going to a quilt retreat.

Wow! 100 posts! I amaze myself at times.

I am all packed and waiting to join a convoy of my fellow guild members for a 3 day retreat at Bear Creek Farms in Bryant Indiana.

I have never been to a quilt retreat. What to take? I need all my sewing gear! So I ended up with a small tote with my clothes and toiletries and 6 large totes with my sewing supplies. I am taking a chance and am bringing my 1938 Featherweight, Sissy. She was a bad girl at my paper piecing class. Her light would not stay on but she sewed ok. So...she is freshly oiled and lubed and her light was behaving as of yesterday. In case she decides she does not want to sew this weekend I brought two hand sewing projects and another tote with fabric for cutting. I have in mind to make a scrappy tumbler quilt. Years ago I bought a 2000 piece 4" square assortment from Keepsake Quilting. That is my cutting project. I keep opening the lovely gift box they came in and fondle the squares. I cannot take them with me when I die so they are going to be cut up.

I know I am going to miss my DH and my five cats. He understands. They will not. For an animal every moment is forever. Sigh!


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post. Mine is coming up soon.
    I think you are prepared for any kind of sewing on the retreat. Retreats are certainly fun. I have not been to one in a long time but have thoroughly enjoyed those I went to.

  2. You will love going to a retreat. I have been to a couple and have always had lots of fun! Love your blog and it is great to find another quilter in Indiana!

  3. Hi Subee!

    Have a nice time at your retreat! Just curious, how many projects do you have going at once? (I have five right now).

    C. C.

  4. Hey Subee! Great to find another Indiana quilter. I'm in Terre Haute. Can't wait to see your posts after the retreat! Sounds like fun!
