Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dr. Pepper and Bonnie Hunter WARNING!!!!!!

Honest...I waited 3 weeks to wash my truck after Bonnie sat in it. And I followed a suggestion of one of my commentators to just save some of that road dirt in a bottle/envelope and wash my truck for goodness sakes.

Today I had a phone call from Bonnie. Like a blast....I did not expect it! WHoooHooo.!!!

Later in the day I moved the passenger seat back for my daughter and what rolls out from under the passenger seat??? An opened liter of Dr. Pepper!!!!!
It belongs to Bonnie. She had transferred some things to my truck when we went to dinner and exploring.
Now don't you all remember her story about soda exploding in the back of her truck????
So beware if she moves any possessions to your automobile!


  1. *LOL* It was a CAN of diet COKE that exploded when I went to Virginia and it froze over night in the cupholder unopened...

    Still, it's probably a good thing that you removed the Dr Pepper Bomb before it tie dyed the ceiling of your truck too :c)

    Fun Times!

  2. So are you planning on bronzing it? :o) Can, bottle...mess is mess! LOLOL

  3. Hi Subee!

    I had a can of Dr. Pepper explode in my car in the summer once..."gross" is the only word to describe it! And I never got the stains off the celing! It seems like something you don't ever forget! lol!

    C. C.
