Sunday, February 21, 2010

Macy VS the chocolate protein drink

No pictures of the "accident". We were too busy mopping up the carpet,table, chair, sofa and quilts. All we saw was a blur of fur. We thought it was Bess. She was only slightly damp and every fur on her body was at attention. We had a great laugh and wiped the little bit off Bess. We thought she was the only victim. Later we found Macy creeping real low to the floor and totally covered in chocolate soy milk with protein powder. Now Macy hates water. Even running a faucet will send her scooting away. We had to wet her to remove the soy milk/protein drink. She was stiff with drying milk. When I picked her up, I became soaked in the mess. Sigh, poor Macy is trying her darndest to lick herself dry now.
Now as to how the "accident" took place: Hubby was shaking up his drink and called to me to look at the radar to see the approaching storm. He must have loosened the cap before he set the drink down. Upon picking it up he gave it a large shake and all the contents flew into the air and then came down on Macy, Bess,the carpet, table,chair,sofa and quilts. I have to give him credit. He did miss the ceiling.
His face had the little boy look I love so much when things go awry for him. He has had numerous shaking accidents in the 25+ years I have known him. Mustard on the kitchen ceiling, Cat food (canned) on the cupboard...etc. Sigh! You gotta love 'em......


  1. Ha-ha, I can see that face! My Larry will get it ,too! Sorry for the mess, glad it wasn't anything more serious!
    :-} pokey

  2. Oh no! My husband had a protein drink "accident"....but it was the cover coming off the blender while he was mixing it up.....he DID NOT miss the ceiling! Because it happend in the wee morning hours, and he was in a hurry....I found the poor attempt at cleaning it up after everything dried....adding water to clean it up turned it into glue.....hoping to never have to repeat that one!!!!

  3. I did that same thing once with my daughter's amoxicillan - except I hit the ceiling, too! Loved your story about it, thanks for the morning giggle...also loved the quilt picture!
