Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More Crabapple quilt progress

Checkerboard border is on. I had no problems making it all fit.
I did not cut the first border at 1 3/4" as Bonnie had in her book. I cut mine at 2". Easier math for me and it worked perfectly. Now I need to pick a fabric for the final border. But I have a large dilemma....
I followed Bonnie's instructions but I may have not understood them right...I made 112 Unit A's and 112 Unit B's...but I only needed 1/4 of what I made. No wonder it took me so VERY long to make the checkerboard the dilemma is I could add a small border and then add another checkerboard border on. Geezzz...I have all these made up!
What's a quilter to do???????????????


  1. I'm glad to see somebody else has leftovers when they make a scrappy quilt. LOL I always do. Probably because instead of following directions closely I just cut & cut, sew & sew & then I'm surprised by the leftovers at the end. That's just me. Tuck them away with other leftover items and before you know it they will come in handy.

  2. That is SOOOO gorgeous! You could make 3 more and use the other 3/4 for those!


  3. that quilt is AWESOME! Your pic of the leftovers looks wonderful = imagine having all those bonus blocks - you can do ANYTHING!! Lots of options lie before you - what fun...

  4. I think you should send them to me so I have seeds to make my own. Wait can you sew them together first before you send them, never mind I don't want to be a bother, just send the top I can live with that!
    I have really enjoyed seeing your progress on this quilt. It has never been one I have the urge to do, but it is growing on me and made it to the Poss-To-Do list.
    You have done a great job. I love that Bonnie sent you a block. I think it is only fair that you send me the top (just kidding) be good cw

  5. What to do? Stand back and admire this beauty! It's wonderful!

  6. Have you counted how many squares there are in this quilt?

  7. I did that just lately with a Moda Bakeshop "recipe" - had a TON of leftover blocks.

    Used them all on the back, and I actually like that better than the front. *L*

  8. The quilt is BEAUTIFUL!! I checked the book and it appears you didn't mis-read the instructions the number of units is stated wrong. Bonnie states that the top should measure 56" before the borders, then it says each border should be 56 units long ... somewhere inches and units got muddled in edit! But you could make a super second border or use them on the back as someone else suggested :)
