Thursday, February 17, 2011

A new Janome 3160 QDC

 I love retreats. But hauling my 70# Janome 6600P was such a hardship on me. I cannot lift it into the truck in the sewing machine trolley. I can lift it OUT! But not in...gravity helps and hinders. The Jem Gold 760 sews roughly. I feel that Grand daughter was not nice to the machine. She is done with it after 8+ years but ... I never bring it. Instead I bring my precious Featherweight. I try to be nice to the Featherweight. After all she is older than me!
So I traded that ol'e Jem in and also had a gift certificate from sweet Hubby for Christmas. I bought the Janome 3160 QDC. Only 12#'s...needle drop positions...thread trimmer...needle down...needle threader...hard shell case...extension table...need I say more?

She sews quietly and accurately. I did some more pinwheel blocks and they came out just as nice as when I sewed it on the Janome 6600P. The buttons are in different places as is the pressure foot lever. But I am sure that after a weekend of sewing with it I will become used to it.
 I did some embroidery for Gladys. She is heading to Florida and wanted some handwork for the trip.
 We picked these pillow panels up in Columbus, Ohio. We went on a quilt trip to a show. They were marked down as we were there on the last day of the show. I bought 5 pink ones.
 And speaking of pink. I made this quilt for my new niece  who is due soon! Maybe another March baby in this family who is full of Pisces people!
 Pretty daffodils...Valentine Day present. They are in the ground already. But until that happened they kept me company on my sewing table. That is Macy in the basket. Pretty as a picture for sure.
 I LOVE THE EASY ANGLE! The results are always perfect. I press the two fabrics right sides together and cut them with the ruler. Then they are already paired up for some FAST piecing!
 Just feed them through the machine as fast as you can pick them up. Since they are starched and pressed together they are easy to pull off the pile!
 Here is the first cut. Line the straightened edge of the fabric to the line on the left of the ruler. CUT!
 I flip my ruler upside down to make the second cut. I do not think this follows the instructions but I have been doing it this way too long to change now. Whatever gets the great results is all that matters.
 This layout did not make the grade. Hubby said it would be faster to make more pinwheels than to take them apart. He was right. I will keep these for another quilt.
Here is the finished product. This is for Great Grandson #2.
His BD is the end of March.
Plenty of time for Super Subee the super fast sewing/quilting manic!


  1. Glad to know there is more than just one super fast sewing quilting maniac. Thought I was the only one. LOL

  2. "Super Subee"! I love it! LOL

    Beautiful new Janome machine.. I'll have to check that out since I don't have a featherweight.

    Doesn't the EZ Angle ruler just ROCK! I bought one just for doing RRCB and definitely will be using it until it wears out.

    Beautiful job on the embroidery!

    Love the quilt for your great grandson #2. You are sooooo talented!


  3. Congratulations on the new Janome -is this one lighter so that you can take it to classes and retreats? Nice quilt.

  4. Wow! The new machine looks great. The quilts look good with the panels in the middle. That one for your niece looks cool. I would love to have any ruler tool. I think you are doing the right thing flipping your triangle. I looked them up a while back. I have my eye on one that does quite a few sizes but it comes at a cost. It is hard to decide between more fabric or a new tool. You are certainly setting a cracking pace. Well done.

  5. Oh my gosh.....beautiful quilts! I have a question....on the pink quilt for you the double row of log cabin squares part of it, or does the quilt end with the dark border? How big is this quilt, and how big are your log cabin squares? It's the colors....very art-deco.

    The silhouette of kitty in the basket is sooooo sweet! Love that!

    Congrats on your new machine!

  6. Love all the pinwheels!! Congrats on the new machine. I'm very interested in a review after you've had it for awhile. I, too have the 6600. Love it, but hate taking it with me to classes and retreats. It's not meant for that kind of travel.

  7. Your new Janome looks very nice. I have a little Brother 6000i that I haul around with me. It sews very nicely too, and weighs around 12#

    Love my Easy Angle too.

  8. Olfa has a frosted version of the easy angle that I just purchased. I just love it!! The lines are so thin and easy to read. Can't wait to see how you like the Janome. I have the 760 and I never use it.

  9. Congrats on the new machine! Did I understand you to say you traded your featherweight in on it, or was I
    you always have the most beautiful work Subee...I believe I have told you that more than a few times! I wish I were as talented.

  10. I like that little Janome. I bought a Babylock Sofia for the same reason, because it was lighter and she has even MORE features than her big sister Babylock.

  11. I see that you have your 3160 in a standard table/case. Can you tell me what insert you used so you could use your table? After all these months, do you still like the machine, I am new to quilting and it's a big investment for me.

  12. Subee, HI THERE. I am looking for a decent machine to take on a plane to a retreat. Do you like the Janome 3160 QDC? Would you recommend it?? Hope you're well.

  13. I'm trying to make a machine cover for the 3160 QDC and the Janome website says it's 8 1/2 inches tall. Is that right? It seems short so I just wanted to doublecheck. Thanks!
