Saturday, April 30, 2011

Scrappy Mountains quilt progress

I am always amazed and pleased with Bonnie Hunter's patterns. I have only been working on this for two days and have half the quilt top together already. I could not resist taking a photo of course!

And preparation always makes a task easier. I love these little baskets. The pieces fit perfectly. With this pattern you do need to stay organized to make the process fun instead of work.
These fabrics all came from Iole's cotton summer shirts. Hubby says it looks real old fashioned as in any fabric will do. I told him that was the whole idea!

I sadly had to remove the Different Box of Crayons quilt from the design wall to place these blocks up. The quilt is sooooo beautiful. But I did need to get Lisa's quilt finished before the other. That is a matter of whose BD falls first.


  1. I like what you are doing here. I can see doing this as a two color scrappy- now adding to my TO DO! cw

  2. I know I have made a few blocks with this design some time in the past. I must have given away the quilt top because it isn't anything that I own. I have thought for a long time that I should give a quilt another try.

  3. Those are the same little baskets I use to keep my leaders and enders organized by my sewing machine. They are perfect! Love your Scrappy Mountains! That pattern has been tempting me, but it will just have to get in line. :)

  4. Gorgeous! Those shirts had ~lovely~ fabrics in them!
    I was near you...took the children to the Ft. Wayne zoo today. NICE weather.~


  5. Love your new quilt and those baskets would be perfect for me too!

  6. Sue....your scrappy mountains is fabulous! I love the colors! It's very soothing!

  7. Beautiful as usual Sue...Do you quilt about 18 hours a day? I would not be able to keep up with you!

  8. Lovely.......your work is always a delight to see.

    Happy Sewing

  9. I recently made this fun quilt, I love Bonnie's quilts.

  10. Your blocks look great! Much better than a quilt made from a single fabric line, right?!

  11. Blocks are gorgeous! Love the colors! That is going to be one gorgeous quilt when it's done!

  12. Just joined your blog - your quilts are amazing!
    Very inspirational. I'm going to have to get busy to keep up with you!
