Friday, May 27, 2011

Along came a Tumbler template

I know you all are an animal lovers and I need to share some sad news with you.

My Husband found Stubbie dead on the road just a moment ago. So sad. We wrapped her up and taped her into a box for burial. I wondered why I had not seen her this morning. There was not a mark on her...she was just dead. I kept her alive through three winters. She had no tail to wrap herself up to keep warm. So I am positive that my intense feeding of her kept her alive.
And today is my daughter’s BD.
I am so sad!
I cut way too many patches for my token Tumbler quilt. I only wanted to "try" one to see if I liked making it. I made one in a lap size that I will hand quilt with Bonnie Hunter's method of Freehand Baptist Fans. I cannot wait to cuddle under this quilt. I will use Quilters' Dream Wool batting.

Every little patch of fabric sings to me. I do not want any of them to get away or not to be in this quilt. As I said I cut way too many patches. I believe I have enough to make three quilts. Geeezzzzz!
I also cut 2" tumbler patches as I was cutting. This will make a nice tiny quilt for the kitties.
This was the first cutting board turntable I ever bought.
It is PERFECT to trim these patches from 4" & 2" squares.
 It really turns way too easy...could be dangerous.
Which is why I had it under a tool caddy in the cutting room.
It allowed the caddy to spin. I use an Olfa spinning square mat now for different cuts.
But this one is too perfect for one patch trimmings.
I am glad I had it.
I am glad I am a Gadget Girl!!!!!
 Progress on the first Tumbler quilt on the design wall.
 Organization is always VERY important to me when I start a project. I have lots of little baskets and leftover plastic containers from veggie/fruit purchases. When I dove into that great box of 2000 4" squares I found they were sorted into color families already! So I only took a few from each grouping. That way the colors would be spread evenly throughout the quilt.
 Look what I found in the box! So this tells me the box was my 2000 year purchase. I also have another one that I think I bought in 1998. I have not broken the seal on that one yet!
 I keep things even in my mind and on my sewing table. The pattern needs a row of each starting with a dark and a light. So I count out the # of rows I want to start off with and alternate the fabrics.
This is one of my Mother's glass bowls.
I use them to collect small trimmings when rotary cutting.
Keeping my work area clean is VERY important to this quilter.
I have carpet underfoot. Need to be careful!
 I finally satisfied my Spring Cleaning Urge. I moved out all the sewing furniture. I washed the windows and the curtains. Then I turned my sewing area  towards the TV and away from the window. With the summer sun coming in (someday! we have had the wettest April on record) I needed to keep the sunlight from my eyes. It feels almost as if I have more room this way. I have turned it this direction before but I had never moved the big lateral file cabinet to the side of my machine. It fits there so perfect. Hubby says there feels as if there is more room to walk. But it is not so because my rug does not fit on the floor. It is only narrower by 1". But it seems bigger somehow.
 I put that cover on for the picture. Since I sew everyday it is never covered!
 My second set of 60 String Blocks.
I did join in the swap at Quiltville.
 I also am going to try to sell some on E-Bay.
 I sew 10 at a time. And I do pin. It keeps the strips flat after just finger pressing.
The new telephone books arrived this month.
I never thought I would be so excited over having old ones to cut up!
That must have been what drove me to make more string blocks.
 MaggieMae always walks over my sewing. No respect!
I also call her "Magnet" because fabric patches stick to her!
She is such a good girl though.
I wash her eyes everyday.
She just sits on the toilet and lets me wash her face...purring the entire time.
And I have finally found a brush that she actually likes me to use.
It does not really get the tangles very well but I am trying to keep her tanglefree until we do the summer cut again. It is called a Lion Cut. Makes her look soooo cute!
One of the first fledglings this Spring. A sweet little female.
A BlueJay got too close and the entire flock drove it away.
Nature is so wonderful to watch.


  1. LOL - you are making a (cute!) little quilt for the kitties. My three fur babes think all quilts are for them! great post on your tumblers and the new sewing space. MaggieMae is gorgeous!

  2. I love your organization methods - I too have to have it all organized when working on a quilt. String blocks are really looking good. I am doing apple core and start out with 4" squares to cut. Finally found an apple core stamp that you just stamp the back of the fabric and cut out. Wonderful invention. Judy C sends her best.

  3. I love your quilt. I bought one of those templates at a garage sale and have never used it. Now I have incentive.
    If you're looking for something to do with those bits of trimmings from cutting, I save them and put them in clear Christmas balls and hang them as ornaments. They look really pretty and you can add other things to them like bits of metallic threads etc.
    karen in New Haven, IN

  4. Love tumbler quilts!! The scrappier the better--yours are great! Wow, I am impressed by how organized your sewing area is. Mine starts out that way--little baskets and everything, but it doesn't last.

  5. I love tumbler quilts I always cut out tumblers little and big from my left over fabrics from any project and when I am cutting up my scrap basket I always cut tumblers!
    aren't they fun and its such an easy quilt to make.
    I hope to make a plaid one someday.
    I don't work in plaids much so it will be awhile!
    have fun.
    Kathie who loves to be organized too

  6. Hi Subee, I always enjoy reading your post and getting a glimpse of your sewing area and techniques. I love the tumbler quilt you're working on now. It's so vintage looking. Can't wait to see it quilted--will you add borders?

  7. Love the look of a tumbler. My friend made one and I loved hers too. I think you've insprired me to make one. Someday.

  8. So sorry about Stubby! We will miss her.

  9. I had a female robin that 'befriended' me. For years she would follow me around the yard as I weeded and threw her worms, or mowed and she'd follow eating the bugs that were disturbed. She'd get close, within a foot or two. She usually had fledglings in tow. She was like an outdoor pet. Then we got a 45 minute hail storm, quarter to golf ball size hail. I found her body the next morning under her favorite cottonwood tree. I cried and cried. Amazing how we can bond with the wonders of creation whether they're indoors or outdoors!

  10. Que maravilla!!!! Me encantarĂ­a poder hacer esos trabajos tan fabulosos.

  11. Your neutral string blocks are lovely.
