Monday, June 6, 2011

More strings and strings and strings

If I get 3 more followers (that will make 200) I am going to have a super-duper givaway!!!!
It looks like I am nearly there!

Yesterday was my 19th wedding anniversary. It is so mind blowing to see that time has passed so quickly. It seems like only yesterday that we met and fell in love. We were fast friends for many years before the "love" grew.
This is my second marriage and his first. He is a great guy and so very talented. He bought me these daisies. MaggieMae thinks they are very interesting!

 It is pretty warm and humid here in Northeast Indiana. In fact it is so warm that Fluffy has been laying on the concrete to chow down on her peanuts. She is such a sweetheart. She is Stubbie's last Spring litter offspring. The only thing I do not like about her is that she climbs the front door. She has also taught two other of this year youngin's (both males) to come and eat from our hands. Hubby calls one Chip as he is missing a wedge shape from his tail. Guess the other one's name will be Dale.
 I listed on E-Bay a set of 12- 8 1/2" neutral string pieced blocks. I have 22 watchers and two bidders. So I listed two more sets of 12 today. WHOOOHOOOO! I also sold 60 blocks to a swapper in California. I am a string piecing machine!!! So, today I made 12 more blocks. Gotta keep my supply fresh! I so love making these blocks. Thanks Bonnie!!!!!!
Click on the photo to see that I do use pins to keep everything flat and straight. I do not press the blocks with the paper on. BUT I do press the fabrics really well before I begin sewing. Then the final pressing is not even necessary. This is pure assembly-line piecing.
My factory experience sure does make me efficient!!!!
Here is a peek at my work area. I trim down the wider strips. 2 1/4" are the widest I use. The narrowest are only 3/4". The variety is so appealing to me. Making 12 at a time allows me to use up an entire strip without worrying that it will get repeated in the same block.


  1. ahh your little fluffy is sooo cute. I love seeing the photos.
    Love Leanne

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary and on almost 200 followers! I love the look of string blocks also, thanks to Bonnie. I wish I were retired to have the time to make a string quilt. It is definitely on my to do list.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Our 33rd is coming up later this month.
    I wish I had your tenacity with the string blocks. I have a string quilt started, but I never seem to get back to finish it.

  4. Congrats on your anniversary and followers!!!

  5. Congrats on your ebay sales! That's wonderful....and more $ to spend on more fabric! Yay! lol

    And congrats on your anniversary, too! Funny how it seems like just yesterday, sometimes, huh?

  6. Congratulations!
    We just had our 24th anniversary.
    I love those pink flowers.


  7. Love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win Bonnie's book.
