Monday, July 18, 2011

A gift of strings!

Last Monday night was our regular sew and gab get together for the guild. Our regular meetings are suspended for the Summer yet we all still come every Monday night.
We had a special table/room set aside for the book planning committee. I am the new editor for the club book. As I was walking in there was a whole table of scraps for FREE. But I had to go to the other meeting. Sigh...I forgot about them.
After our meeting there were only 5 bags of strip scraps left. No one wanted them! I got them all.

I am still suffering a bit of depression. I have never been depressed before. It knocks you down and it is so hard to get back to normal. Within a month's time I lost my Pain Management Doctor, my GC's Grandfather, my ex-son-in law, my ex's wife (younger than me) and my daughter's friend who was her neighbor ( Melanoma he was only 38). Too many deaths...too much pain...I am full. No more...
 String piecing was all I was able to wrap my head around. No thinking...just endless sewing.
Two of the baggies had neutrals. Did I tell you these scraps were all sorted by color too? I guess they did not sell at a garage sale so they were donated to us. And $5 a bag seemed way too expensive to me.
 I made forty-two 4 1/2" neutral squares from two gallon baggies of neutral strings.
 OCD me was in heaven. Press a strip...lay it in a pile of like lengths. Too perfect!
I needed this therapy!
The end result of a week's worth of sewing these strings:
23 dark 4 1/2" string blocks
42 light 4 1/2" string blocks
24 dark 8 1/2" string blocks
All saved from the to me...except for my time and thread!

I am betting that Our Bonnie Hunter will soon give us a pattern for dark 4 1/2" string squares.
I think I have her system figured out. I already save my scraps with her Scrap Users System.
She has got to just make a bagillion units of whatever she feels like making.
Then moves on to another units.
Then designs a quilt with all those labor intensive steps.
I am going to follow my hunch and just start making tons of units...all kinds of units!!!!


  1. Smart woman!! It is good to see you back. I had just noticed last night how long since you last posted and was wondering if you were doing okay. I am sorry for all of your pain--physical and emotional. I have been in clinical depression before and it is not a place I would wish on anyone. When you find something that takes your mind of off it for even a minute it is such a relief! I hope things turn around for you soon. Major loss in life is a big trigger for depression--you've certainly had your share of that!

  2. So sorry to hear of all of your losses. No wonder you were depressed. Thank goodness for mindless strip sewing to keep you busy till your heart and soul feel mended enough for harder projects.

  3. Bonnie's Jamestown Square quilt that is in the current Australian Homespun magazine uses the 4 1/2" neutral string a gazillion blue and neutral HSTs. I got my copy of the magazine from Erica's online.

  4. Hoping you are feeling much more like yourself soon Subee!

    And the reason I get so much piecing done...and so many string blocks some times that is all I can make myself do to get through the day too. And that is okay! It keeps me focusing on the positive, keeps me feeling the fabric, and seeing how they play one next to another. And I even think the warmth of the iron on my fabric as I run my fingers over it during pressing is therapeutic as well. You are in good company!


  5. I'm real sorry to read of what you are going through ((HUGS))
    Glad the scraps went to a good home - mmm you maybe on the button re Bonnies plans.

    Love Leanne

  6. Nice to see you back blogging. I understand about depression, been there after having to quit work because of fibromyalgia. Found this crazy quilting hobby and it helped a lot. Plus my standard poodle buddies, always company.
    Wow, those bags of fabric strips had your name didn't they? And you put them to good use in more ways than one.

  7. So sorry to hear of all the losses you and yours have faced the last little while.
    Quilting is indeed very comforting - I love what you did with your strings- I am sure you are going to create a wonderful quilt.
    Welcome back.

  8. Atta Girl!
    So glad to see you getting back to blogging and piecing!
    I pray that the darkest of your days have gone by and that you will now become totally absorbed with thoughts of how on earth to use all your wonderful piles of sweetie-string blocks!
    Sending hugs, Vic in NH

  9. Subee, I marvel at your productivity always, and now to have Bonnie's method of madness figured out is incredible. You are probably so right - sometimes you just have to sew something without much thought to gain perspective over your life.
    Judy C sends her best to you and I think I will go randon sew something.

  10. Subee, Glad to see you back on line. That many losses would get anyone down. I agree that sometimes just some mindless stitching is quite soothing. Be kind to yourself and try to get out and be with people. You might not feel like being in company but it will help you come out of your depression. Also, get out and walk in the fresh air, exercise is a good antidepressant.
    HUGS to you!!

  11. Welcome back! We've missed you on here. If there is anyone who would just see bags like that and turn it into great blocks I think it is you! Maybe one day I will string piece...So many projects and techniques I want to learn. PS-If Bonnie doesn't do a dark sting quilt for you create your own. You do great stuff!

  12. Now, you've just got to get Bonnie to design the right quilt! Your blocks look great and you're right, string piecing is the most mindless, tranquil thing. Lane

  13. Welcome back, I am so glad! Missed reading your blog. Take care--Gina in Missouri

  14. I just love reading your blog. I suffer from depression, and finally saw a therapist. I thought my problems were based on the present struggles I was facing, but seems my upbringing had a few things to work out also. It was hard to go through, but I am doing quite well right now!! Understand your pain, you need to take care of yourself. The sewing of "free" scrap blocks looks liked something that you enjoy!! Good Luck & Hugs Judy

  15. Suebee,
    I was doing the string blocks too. The re-empty nest has been depressing me too. When you're ready, sew something a little less mindless...just sew and let it go for now. It'll get better.

    Nancy in NC

  16. Sorry to hear your having a rough month or so. Take good care of yourself and hope all this bad news is finished.
    Strip blocks are good way to keep sewing but not worry about details of the project. I really like reading your blog and hope you feel better soon.
