Friday, December 23, 2011

Orca Bay Mystery Clue #6 progress

My Ohio Stars need pressed, but aren't they pretty? I love making these stars.

Did anyone else feel when cutting 2 1/2" squares that they were ginormous? After working with 1 1/2" and 2" pieces these 2 1/2" feel like cutting a napkin instead of a glass coaster!!!!!

I am nearly done with my clue #5. But Our Bonnie did give us permission to move ahead if we wished to. So I did.
Something else I had not shared with you Blogger friends: I was not able to find my gray Clue#1. I did not want to fess-up to misplacing them. My head has been so messed up this year.
But!!!! I found them!
They were with the black clue#1's! Whew!!!!
Orca Bay Mystery is the name of what we ( a few thousand ) are working on. HA!

Hubby is doing so much better. The pill for restless leg seems to be helping him get a FULL night's sleep. We are on day/night #3 of sleeping. He almost seems his normal self again. Only now he complains of a headache at bedtime. I do not know if that is pill related or just his body's way of telling him it is time for bed.
I cannot thank all of you enough for the great advice and support during this trying time.


  1. I measured three times, absolutely convinced that the 2 1/2 inch squares were more like ten. Glad your hubby is feeling better. Don't forget to take care of yourself, as well. You'll be no good to him if you're all run down.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. I've only just started clue 5, have 50 done. But when I saw the blocks, I went right to them! Yours look wonderful!!

  3. I also am an RLS sufferer and I'm glad to hear your hubby is getting relief. Don't know about the headaches - mine were blood pressure related so always keep an eye on that. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and continued rest for you and your hubby.

  4. I'm SO glad your hubby is finally sleeping, so you can, too! Whew! There is nothing worse than not enough sleep!

    And I'm really glad you found our #1's.....isn't it an awful feeling to KNOW you have it somewhere, but just can't find it! Ugh! I hate that!

    Hoping you have a really wonderful Christmas! Relax, enjoy it, and made sew a little! Yay!

  5. I'd be anxious to get blocks made, too. They are looking good!

  6. Your orca bay blocks look adorable. I had the same thought about size when I pulled out my 2.5 inch square drawer. I guess it is all what you get used to.

  7. Cute stars, isn't this a lot of fun....thanks to Bonnie!

  8. So glad that your dear hubby is on the mend and that the misplaced greys are found, too. You both are in my prayers this Christmas night.

  9. Yes indeed. The Ohio Stars are so pretty. I wish I was further along and had some made.

  10. Step 5 was a lot of sewing, your step 6 blocks are looking wonderful.

  11. Glad all is well, is your hubby getting enough fluids? When I don't I have headache too. I can't wait to do bonnie's mystery quilt, all printed

  12. I found your blog by accident.
    Beautiful things that you sew.
    I link to you the same times.
    Many greetings from Germany by Gitta

  13. Hey, Sue. Ohh, you are making such progress on your Orca Bay quilts. I have restless leg, too. I found that if I drank a big glass of water about 30 minutes before bed, it didn't bother me...except I have to get up in the middle of the night to you know what. But, the leg movements went away. So, if the pills don't work, it might be worth a try. Lane
