Monday, January 9, 2012

Bow Tie quilts in progress

Yes, you are ready the title correctly. Quilts...plural...three in fact.

 This Kona Snow Bow Tie quilt was made entirely from a charm pack that was gifted to me by Tazzie. She is a quilt designer from Australia. I won a Mug Rug from her blog and she also sent other goodies. I can see this put on point with Kona Snow large triangles. Then I picture beautiful hand quilting in those as yet attached triangles. I bought a very fine point lead pencil. I have such issues with marking quilting lines. That is why I mostly quilt straight line quilting on my DSM.
 Here is the basket that the Kona Snow Bow Tie was born from. These fabrics are more diverse. I can say probably anything goes for this one. The cutting is done. The little squares are sitting on top of the larger squares. The Kona Snow squares are simply stacked there too. This set up is more Leader Ender friendly than my Cheddar Bow Tie project.
 And here is the Cheddar Bow Tie quilt. It is not sewn together. It is still a work in progress.
 This was the basket that I said was dusty on top. Shamefully, I had not used it as a Leader/Ender.
 I have the little colored squares on top of the two cheddar squares. The larger colored squares are directly underneath each cheddar square.
 The biggest reason I do not Leader Ender the Cheddar Bow Tie quilt is this spool of thread that matches the cheddar so well. The OCD me insists on using this thread on nothing else. Thus it is not a Leader Ender. The Kona Snow one is. Go Figure!
 This is my TV setup. I am now joining my DH in his familyroom and can still keep my hands busy. I found this pink cutting mat in the scrapbook section of a Walmart. I liked the color. That was the only reason I bought it. But after trying it I really like the features it has. 2" square markings all over the mat. Easy to lay a bonus triangle unit on it after trimming the dogears off. If it needs any other trimming I lay it to one side until I get a few and then clean them up.
Macy watching TV. Nat Geo Wild of course!


  1. I am SOOOO tempted to find a way to show you my "hot pink bowties". You'd laugh hysterically. Mine are as disorganized as yours are organized. I do have the 4 pieces together, but the other pieces are separate and thrown in a tote because they took FOREVER to cut.


  2. Three bow tie quilts? And I can't even manage one. : )
    I do like your idea for the Kona white quilt. It will be a beauty!

  3. Great looking quilts. I am assuming the "large" part of the bowties is 2.5", but what about the small parts? If you don't mind sharing, that is.

  4. That's a great idea to put them the same basket as the parts and pieces. I lost the finished ones of mine because after they were made I put them in a safe place, that I can't remember...

  5. I love that your cats watch TV!!!

    sao in Midlothian, VA

  6. Almost seams like every blog I go to they are making bow ties. Bonnie has a bow-tie revolution going on. All of yours are, of course, just fantastic. Judy C sending warmest wishes - literally - high of 67 degree today.

  7. How about piecing the blocks with any thread and quilting with the pretty cheddar thread??

  8. Bow Tie quilts I love, yours are gonna be really pretty.
    Actually I have gifted two BT quilts and have two BT tops that need quilting. Recently I found a plastic shoe box full of pre-cut BT blocks, about 60! So, lots more of these quilts in my future to finish. (All my blocks are 6 inchers).

  9. You are truly an overachiever!
    Now do you have a little sadness like I do when a mystery is over?

    Happy Sewing

  10. Great looking the bowtiesquilt!!
