Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Orca Bay-got it now!

I have it now! I have been able to wrap my head around this process now. But I want to break it down to more production type sewing. You know, making lots of the same units at the same time. But of course, there needs to be a final inspection before jumping in with both feet!
 I took everything down. Aren't these stars just so precious?
 I am using a tray to lay out the block unit assemblies. I am carefully watching the photos and the clue#7 instructions. One of the pictures is upside down as Bonnie explained to us.
 Started throwing those units up on the wall. I am 5'6" tall. Design wall is at the top of the wall against the ceiling. I need a two step small ladder to reach the uppermost rows.  I have two ladders. One at each end so all I have to do is walk over and up the second ladder. After a while I can reach the wall easily.
 I am loving the colors of this mystery. Our Bonnie sure knows what she is doing!

 All pressed and ready for assembly.
This is how I started my morning.
 This is the side table of my sewing area. Rolling drawers below.
And here is my set-up. I take up the entire livingroom.
Today is sunny but very cold. 19 and a light wind. BRRRRRRRRRRRR! Another perfect day for sewing.

Actually I prefer a more cloudy day as the sunlight sometimes flashes off cars driving by or the reflection from the neighbor's house. It hits me in the eyes when I don't expect it and I get blinded. So cloudy days are my favorite sewing days. A candle lit and something simmering on the stove. UMMMMMMMM!!!


  1. Your blocks look great Subee - I still have both my red and blue string blocks to make and then I can assemble. I also agree that the tiny Ohio stars were just perfect at that size.

  2. Looking good! It does require the use of your brain though. In my case I am getting lots of excercise walking back and forth to the computer because I have to keep checking that it's right. No printer.

  3. Looking so good! And no pencil boxes were harmed in the making of this quilt, right? : )

  4. Yep - you have it now! It's just so pretty!

  5. Your quilt is looking great Subee. I'm finding that I realy need to concentrate putting this one together. Don't want any mistakes after all that work!

  6. I love your setup and large wall! Orca Bay is going together well, isn't it beautiful!
