Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ohio Star blocks

 I used up my 500+ hour glass units!!! They are now residing in 62 brown/cream Ohio Star blocks. 31 are light stars and 31 are dark stars.
It is spooky how I really did not do any counting or sorting of any kind but just did two days of manic sewing. 
For the totals to come out even in the light/dark combination is really neat. 
For EVERY unit to be used up is scary!!!

 I really did not do any planning. I had a large container of brown EZ Companion Angle cut triangles left over from some sewing project. I do not even remember what project. But I did know they came from 1 1/2" strips cut with that ruler. I was digging around and found them just gathering dust on a shelf.
So I cut some more cream triangles to go with what I had leftover from my gray/pink Ohio Star blocks. Once again, no counting, just lots of cutting and then some major sewing time.
 Today they are all done and pressed and put away for what ever I do decide to use them in. Since I have discovered my love of scrap quilting this method works so well. They will go with whatever I decide to use them in.

I also went through all the loose papers on my computer desk. I threw away all the junk and gathered up all the "Bonnie Hunter" stuff. I have two binder notebooks with all of Bonnie's patterns and mysteries. I now have a third one started!!!! The first one had all the free patterns from her website. Then I bought a hot pink binder and all the mysteries are in that one (with a picture of Bonnie on the front). The third one is going to be all the quilts she designs from her Addicted To Scraps column in the Quiltmaker magazine. (Also all the tips and tricks she shares with us)

Note to self: Buy a couple more binders!!!!

I have started using an old pillowcase over my small ironing board cover to preserve the new cover I made a couple months ago. The cover is made from very heavy pillow ticking and they do last a long time. I had bought this material to make the leaders for my B-Line quilt frame. Why I bought an entire bolt of it I have no clue. Oh well, it is here when I need it....forever it will be here!! HA!


  1. Great blocks. Love the stars. I love your organizational methods!

  2. Wow, is that the "Twilight Zone" theme song I hear playing in the background? : )
    Those star blocks look eerily familiar, too. They will look great with anything scrappy--not just Orca Bay.

  3. Beautiful colours, very spooky that it all worked out.

  4. Wow - you're right that's freaky! But they are lovely blocks!

  5. those are just beautiful - look they they are sewn really skillfully. Well done!

  6. Those star blocks are beautiful! Are you sure you don't want to whip up a quilt with them? I don't think I could put them away! They're gorgeous!

    And yeah, Bonnie has given us so much......she shares everything, and is so generous......I need several binders, too!

    I love ticking, too! :o)

  7. I just love brown, and your star blocks are great - true scrap quilting! Your pillowcase idea for the ironing board is such a good one. Thanks!

  8. Love your Ohio Stars!

  9. I'm not seeing any pink in those handsome Ohio Stars! 8-)))

    Good tip about the pillow case. Those ironing board covers "go" fast - I've been using kitchen towels.
