Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More progress on the Log Cabin blocks!

I have been on an amazing journey through my oldest fabrics. I have been in love with neutrals and browns since my first fabric collecting began. I saved every tiny scrap back then. And nothing has changed in that area. I am more organized now but I still have way too much fabric.
I have been inspired by a lecture and some books by Edyta Sitar. She was so great to listen to and her colors seemed to call to me. I have those colors...in great quantities. ( But buried somewhere in my storage areas.)

 I have a great collection of 1 1/2" squares and as I cut those for swaps I do cut extra strips and save them. 1 1/2" seems to be my "go to" size. I use them up as fast as I cut them. Our Bonnie Hunter seems to favor  the 2" size. That drawer in my cutting area never gets open much...
I started making some Log Cabin centers over the weekend. Somewhere I decided that I need to make 288 blocks. Seems doable...in small hunks.
As I depleted my strip supply I kept digging deeper and deeper into my stash. I am so happy that I am doing this Log Cabin project in "hunks". That way there is a great variety of fabrics with no repeats. And I got reacquainted with my golden oldies.

I use lots of containers and baskets are pretty to look at too. So all 288 centers are fed into that basket behind my machine.
I pull a few out and make about ten blocks at a time and then begin all over again with a different set of strips. No repeats...remember?

I switch up the combinations as I sew yet still keep a good control over the blocks to be HAPPY with the fabric combinations. I did add some deep blues and greens in the first group of blocks but I am not totally happy with them in there. So I have decided to not use those blocks in this current project. They will get used in another even more scrappy Log Cabin quilt. I can assure you that I am totally addicted to making these Log Cabin blocks.

  And in between strips I am doing my Cheddar Bow Tie as Leaders & Enders per our famous Bonnie Hunter. (http://www.quiltville.com)

 Yesterday I had 70 7 1/2" dark/light and 40 all light blocks done.

Today was laundry day and as I waited between loads I HARVESTED more strips for the next set of blocks.

 Lots of strips...I am planning on taking this project with me to my guild's sewing retreat on April 20-22 at Bearcreek Farms. I am trying to not sew too many before I leave on that trip.

So....I cut some 1" strips. 1 1/2" strips look and feel ginormous next to these tiny strips. I tied them in bundles this way eons ago. And the fabric is a fresh as the day I cut it 15 years ago.
I added more from the newly harvested fabric. I did not generate any strings doing this. These were my strings. HA! I used the same batik pink as the centers. I have 42 centers started...that is how many I was able to cut across the width of the fabric strip. I am thinking I will want more so I have ripped another hunk from that batik pink. It still needs to be pressed and cut.
Do any of you rip instead of cut off bolts of fabric? I know it does bruise the edges. But those get cut off anyway. And ripping gets the fabric totally on grain when pressing before cutting.

  And here is the result of just a couple hours of sewing. I have 42 teeny tiny Log Cabin blocks made. They still need many more rounds added. But I could not resist comparing the two size blocks!!!!

Aren't they cute?????


  1. Oh my Goodness! You have inspired me with your blocks. I've been searching for the next project and seeing your process I think I'll start pulling some of my oldies.

  2. OH Look at that super cute little quilt in the picture with your cheddar L & E bow ties!!!!!
    Loooove! What's up with that one? I don't see where you mention it in this post. I better re-read!
    Good progress on your log cabin. I am inspired to do something pink now!

  3. You are amazing, as always! And I absolutely LOVE that little quilt sitting beside your basket of cheddar bow tie supplies.

  4. Sweet they look, you've sorted your materials so beautiful.

  5. Oh I just love Edyta's patterns and quilts. I have several of her patterns that I plan on starting soon.

    Love your log cabin blocks those colors are my favorites. I just finished up another huge log cabin top. Just need to add borders and quilt it.
