Friday, May 18, 2012

Progress on King of Green quilt

I have had a busy sewing week. I have gotten so many things DONE!!! that I have impressed myself!!!!
But first things first...
I now have 1/3 of my DD#1's birthday quilt all quilted. It only took me all day today! HA! But that also included the pinning up process.
 Here I am at the very beginning of the quilting. It seemed endless. But very easy quilting...a no brainer. Just needed muscle to get her through the machine.
 And here is 1/3 of the quilt done. All those pins were in just this section of the quilt. The rest is already rolled into the quilt frame. I just need to get another section pinned up and I can quilt more tomorrow.
 I have an obsession with buying quilt label panels. But I do not just buy them. I also use them up soooo fast!
So this week I went through a bunch of panels and whacked off some labels from each. I then lay them face down on muslin and sew around the outside edge. You can see the label pretty clearly from the backside. I then turn it over and make a slice in the muslin then turn the label right side out. The slice does not show from the front and the label is now ready for sewing into a quilt after a nice pressing that is.
 This should last me for a few months.
 I have this point turner that works great. It came as a free gift in some publication eons ago. It has Oxmoor House stamped on it. I use it all the time!!!!
It is perfect for poking out the corners on the labels.
 This quilt is now all quilted and bound. But I forgot to take a photo of it before I put it away. It is destined for GD#4. AnnaMarie's birthday is in August.
 As I was sewing the rows together I made a few more Cheddar Bow Tie's as my Leaders & Enders. I no longer DREAD assembling blocks anymore!!!
Using a L&E between the rows is awesomely efficient!!!!!
 And I had enough fabric leftover to make two bonus quilts. I backed them with flannel that I pre-washed (for shrinkage). Too cute and comfy looking.
 In fact, Pearl could not resist trying out the flannel. I think she knew that she would contrast nicely with the blue!!!! Pearl has a way of laying on something that looks as if she is hugging it. Look at those beautiful paws! She is my only kitty who got to keep her toenails. She only uses the scratching post. She is an angel.
 Those who know me well know that I retired from a factory. I drove forklifts most of my working life. What are the odds of having a forklift in my addition? I sure enjoyed watching this guy. I was so tempted to ask if I could take it for a spin around the block just for old time's sake. I sure do miss driving one. I was very good at it.
Some people should never drive on the street much less drive a forklift.
 The forklift was headed to our neighbor's yard to move their shed to a different side of the back yard. They also brought in a raised bed garden unit. Really trick!
 Here is my next swap just waiting for the last package to arrive...
Well...the package came today but I could not allow her to swap. Her cutting was way off...she is a new swapper. So I peeled 10 strips off and will send her my package of ten strips so she can see how a swap should be done.


  1. I giggled at the neighbors shed. We moved ours this past weekend and spend longer getting it in position and level then it took to drag it from the front yard to the back. Now I have a 10 x 15 garden shed.
    Bless you for covering for the newbie. Swapping can be confusing. Hope this will educate and encourage her. If you have time do a post on what you end up doing with the strips. cw

  2. I love your method on the labels. I just usually use muslin--with a little piecing on the border if it is a gift.

  3. The quilts look great! And you are so nice to teach her the right way to do a swap! Your other swappers will surely be appreciative! And I got qualified on the fork-lift about 6 months ago at work.....and driving that thing has been the highlight of my day! It's so darned fun! If I could just do that full time, I wouldn't be retiring next week! Oh well!

  4. Wow you did get a lot done! I'm very impressed too! Your King of Green is coming along very nicely. I like your idea of using the pre-printed labels! I usually make specialized ones, but it is a lot of trouble, and sometimes I end up not labeling my own quilts - not good, I know! Pearl is a beautiful color!!! One of the reasons I don't do many swaps is because of the inconsistency - I can see you don't allow that - good for you!!!

  5. You really have been "producing"-LOL. Lots of pretty things.
    Have to comment on the swapping. I quit swapping a long time ago because the hostess swapped everything. I'm glad to see you stick to the rules.

  6. I'm poking around on your blog and having some chuckles. Thanks for being candid! I'm glad you poted about proper cutting. I'll be sure to review the descriptions on the group thread when I get started. Your quilts re very nice. Live those cats too.
