Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cutting hints for the EZ Angle & Companion Angle rulers

When I need some Companion Angle ruler cuts, I first prepare the cutting edge using the EZ Angle ruler. I have no plans for that first cut but it avoids wasted fabric and sets up the perfect angle for the Companion Angle.

 I have so many non slip dots on my rulers. But they do NOT slip!!!!

 And here is the end result from 1/4 of a WOF strip. A few squares a few HST and a few QST!!! WhOOOHooooo! Fill those bins!!!

 And as I was searching for crumb fabrics I came across this container of Bonus HST from my Batik Star Struck quilt.. I went through just a few while watching the news. I cut the dog ears off and they went into that small container on the left and then gave the HST a quick press. I have no idea what I will do with these. But they are precious to me anyway!

 Here is MaggieMae loving on her new catnip mouse that was sent to me from Victoria P. She is in the Yahoo groups swap and knows how I spoil my kitties. Even though Victoria had this packed in three different layers of plastic, MaggieMae still knew she wanted in that package real bad!!! Otherwise the cats ignore the swap packages that come through the house.

 She is my sewing helper kitty too. Just lays there and watches the row of units as they slide across the table top. And yes, she always seems to forget she has her tongue out. Does she not care? Or does she not know?

I broke down and bought a new feeder for right outside my picture window. The other one had to be 20 years old at least. And the critters keep knocking it over during the night time hours. I need some kind of pole or stake instead of having it balanced on an old barrel.


  1. I really need some of those non-slip dots because my rulers slide all the time when I'm cutting. Do you get them at your local quilt shop?

  2. I am going to start using those dots, too! What a great idea! Thanks!
