Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pfefferneuse failure!!!!

There are times when the pieces of a planned quilt have a life all their own. And the best laid plans of mice and men  quilters must go with the flow.
I could not use Bonnie Hunter's layout from her newest book entitled String Fling. 

No matter how hard I tried the layout just did not sing to me. DH and I decided on this layout. And of course I now have lots of extra units leftover. There are lots of seams to sew over. I do not think my DSM can handle quilting this. I sure need a long arm quilting machine.

This smaller quilt is a sweet 43" square before the final borders.

Despite failing to make the actual Pfefferneuse quilt designed by Bonnie Hunter, I am very pleased with what I do have done.

And my huge Log Cabin quilt is still in sections. (on the left) I will get to it sometime. I have had a great weekend sewing. I sure lost 4+ days last weekend when we had no power and then doing the throw away of food. GRRRRR! I need to really make a big grocery run now that the power has been restored all around the area. It will take me months to get things built back up again. Sigh!


  1. Can you identify what the problem was? I am asking because I was getting ready to make that quilt....I like the photo in Bonnie's book and evidently you did too....?

    Was it the fabric choices? What do you recommend for me?

    I like the layout that you came up with!

    sao in Midlothian, VA

  2. Very very nice Subee! Will you call it "Pfeffernot"? LOL!!! I like your redesign and think you will be very happy with it!

  3. Das sieht fantastisch aus. Das Muster gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  4. Now you have me curious to know what Pfefferneuse actually looks like in the book. I haven't bought a copy yet.
    Well, whatever it was supposed to be, what you have made looks good. : )

  5. Subee, I love your alternative layout. It looks great. I did a similar thing with Orca Bay, thinking I had solved the mystery. Of course I hadn't but I intend to do my version one of these days!

  6. No way is that a failure! It's awesome! It's Pferrernuese-Inspired!" Who says we can't play with the layouts when we want to!?! I love it!
