Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Progress on Pfefferneuse by Bonnie Hunter

Not too many made but boy are they FUN to make!!!

 It is over 100 degrees outside. I love air conditioning!!! Ours is working very hard and at least the humidity is gone from the inside of the house. Since we had to throw out all the freezer contents, I did save the frozen blueberries. I am giving them to the birds yet the squirrels seem to really love their frozen berry treat!
Bess is laying in the bit of sunlight coming through the window. And I am sewing away!!!
 A bit of a longer view of my sewing area.

In anticipation of Bonnie Hunter's newest book I began a bit of pre-cutting. But not knowing the correct size of the patchwork did not stop me. It is easier to cut things down if they are too big. So I did cut into my 2 1/2" strips with the Companion Angle ruler by EZ Wrights. I am just sewing them down one side and then cutting them to the correct 2" size. I am saving the little dog ears in that small glass container. I know...OCD ME. And of course they are coming out sooooo cute!!!
Happy 4th of July to all of you!


  1. Yes, thank God for AC. It's 102 here in NE Nebr. today.

    Pfefferneuse is one of the patterns in Bonnie's new book that I'll probably try.

  2. I loved Pfefferneuse, too! And, of course, you've already started on it! HA! You're so funny!

  3. Glad you've got power back. Sorry about the loss of food.
    Your parts for Pfefferneuse look great so far. Love the scrappiness.
    I love Bonnie's new book. So hard to decide which one to start first. I also want one of those Walmart tables. Thanks for the info.

  4. I spy some burgundy "scissors" fabric! I wonder if we all at one time or another had some of that fabric :)

    Excellent motivational start!!!
