Friday, August 10, 2012

I have been singing and sewing my heart out!

Those of you who know my Husband and I personally know that we met through our love of music. We used to play out nearly every night in our much younger years. Well, we have now gone and played at three open stages in as many weeks. What joy! What fun! I so love singing with my husband. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we can continue to do this together. But can you imagine what the audience thinks when this fat old lady gets up on stage and starts belting out notes????
I hope I impress the h%^& out of them!!! And do NOT embarrass myself!

One of the first swaps I ever played in was an I Spy swap on Yahoo. And I am sure that it must have been 15 years ago I played with these squares that each represent a letter of the alphabet. I put the sewn units away for another day and my Grand daughters went and grew up! Now I am making these quilts for their children, my great grand children!!!
It sure is a good thing that fabrics don't spoil. They are like fine wine. They just get better with age!!!!

 Since Theo's favorite color is orange, I used my Kona Cheddar as the background for this first of many I Spy quilts I plan on making. I have some orange Gelato Minkee for the back! He is going to love this quilt. And his big brother, Drew, can teach him his letters!!!!

 I have these templates in two sizes. This is the 5" size. And $15.99 15 years ago means I am sure they cost more now!!!!!

 I am helping out one of my quilting buddies. Gladys is so very busy that she never seems to find the time to sew for her own grand children. I said I would help her out. This was/is my first attempt at machine applique'. I used freezer paper for the templates. Let me tell you that points are hard to get sharp!!!

 So far this is what I have done. I need to make a few more blocks so I can go around the entire quilt body one more time to continue the zigzag effect. Gladys says to do whatever my heart desires. She is so very easy to please!!!

 I have a confession to make. I sometimes buy a quilt kit just to get the fabric not to make the intended quilt. But this kit was bought for my Grand daughter, Zoey. She loves purple. She loves cats. And it came with purple Minkee for the back and she loves that stuff too. The kit cost way too much. Well...started the cutting. Sure enough, they shorted me on three of the fabrics. GRRRR! This is one major reason I do not make the quilts from kits. I had to add some happy fabrics from my stash. The only thing they did NOT short me on was the border fabric. Thank goodness for that, as it was a mitered border and I needed the extra length. All I need to do now is pin it up and quilt it. But oh!!! Another shortage from the kit. The backing is 60" X 90". The quilt is 72" X 84". GRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I do have a deep purple Minkee left over from another project and I hope I can piece it in so it looks as if I PLANNED on it. I promise to never make a quilt from a kit again!!! This is the second one this year that has bit me!!!

 In between  sewing on larger stuff I have been making some 3 1/2" 9 patch blocks. I am thinking I am going to make Bonnie Hunter's Tumalo Trail pattern. That one needs 210 9 patch blocks. I have 154 done!!! WHOOHOOO!

 I am saving all the shirting like prints for another project. I do not know what yet.

And after a hard day at the sewing machine I reward myself with a bit of crocheting. I love this pattern. I think this is the fifth one I have made. I changed the hook size from a G6 to an E4 and the "popcorns" are much nicer. The whole afghan seems nice and tighter too.


  1. Subee, you are one busy, busy lady! I always enjoy your posts and looking at your projects. I am a quilter also and I also crochet. Right now I'm hooked on chicken potholders and dishrags. I have a quilt on the quilter for my soon to be new grand-daughter also. I love your eye spy quilt with the cheddar!
    Have a great day!
    Karen in NE Indiana

  2. Gorgeous projects! And I love that crotchet work you are doing. Lovely! And forget what anyone go right ahead and sing your little heart out! Yay!

  3. Glad to hear you are keeping busy and happy! Great I Spy :)

  4. Lots of neat new projects for you and that hexie I spy reminds me of the board game of Chinese Checkers that were played with marbles.

  5. OK, Subee, I know you have been very busy, but we are dying of thirst out here for a cool, refreshing new blog post from you!!

    From your Missouri Fan, Gina :-)

  6. OK, Subee, I know you have been very busy, but we are dying of thirst out here for a cool, refreshing new blog post from you!!

    From your Missouri Fan, Gina :-)
