Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My hand quilting project.

Our Bonnie Hunter sure has a way of getting us up and moving. Perhaps it is a guilt trip over neglecting this sweet little quilt. It was my "go away" project at the end of this past Winter season.

 I love, love, love the needle cases made by Clover. They each hold 10 threaded needles. I am so OCD that when I like something I want lots of those somethings! I guess 40 threaded needles will hold me for a while. HA!
I also only use YLI quilting threads. I have every color of course. And my precious Jinny Beyer thimble made by TJ Lane. Same maker as Bonnie's new thimble. They are pricey but worth every penny.

This is a knitting bag but I use it for quilting. The old makeup bag with the tools and the quilt fit in there perfectly. And it is all lined in a silky fabric so things slide in and out with ease.

 Poor thing is a bit wrinkled...the center is from one charm pack. I used Kona Snow as the background and used Bonnie's measurements for the Cheddar Bowtie Leader & Enders project. My Cheddar Bowties are ready for assembly. But this one came first.

The design is very hard to see but there are delicate scrolled feathers marked. I do prefer straight line quilting to all those short curves that this one involves.

I had this shelving unit in my quilt room. I had to move it out because the chrome shelving unit I bought at a yard sale was too tall to fit under the shelf that spans the entire room. What a juggling match to move all those things but I am very pleased with the final result.
I decided whatever did not fit back on that shelf would be donated to Project Linus. It was hard to part with perfectly good fabric. But I have way too much inventory to even SEE what I do have!!

 Look at all the neutral batiks I found!!! WHOOOHOOOO!!!!!

Neutrals and browns...yummy fabrics!!!


  1. I'm with you....I like pre-threaded needles. I don't have any holders, so I just thread 7 or 8 needles at a time, and leave them on the spool. And I love your bowtie's going to be beautiful!

    I haven't officially joined in with Bonnie's hour a day handwork challenge, but I have been hand piecing every night while watching tv with hubby! It's amazing how much you can get done while watching your favorite shows!

  2. Looks like some gorgeous quilting there Subee! Looking forward to seeing that come to life under your fingers :*) And you found all those neutral batiks in your stash??? Oh you lucky girl!!! I did a big cleanup on my stash last week, and I didn't find anything nearly so exciting :*)

  3. Forty threaded needles?!? *LOL* I keep ONE on hand. : )
    Love those neutral batiks!

  4. I have been hand sewing hexagons together into flowers for a large quilt top that I rescued from ebay. My husband doesn't see it that way--but whatever!! When I sit down to stitch one block (which includes 26 hexagons)--I have a pincushion loaded with 25-30 needles. It takes a little while to load all those needles--but I get really good at aiming for that eye after the first 10 or so. Then, when I have them all done--I can just fly through the sewing of the seams. Many people do this for handquilting too!! It really makes sense to be able to just keep sewing along with needle after needle. I figure they are actually all getting equal time & will last a little longer than using one needle for the whole block. It is always fun to find a way to speed up the sewing process in a smart way. Take care Judy

  5. Love those needle cases! I have never seen anything like them before...imagine having all those needles ready to quilt?!?! How could you resist quilting now???!

  6. gorgeous really does make a quilt i think. and thanks for posting photos of your stash, makes me feel a whole lot better with mine....LOL
