Monday, November 12, 2012

My Log Cabin quilt is on my bed!!!!!!

Sunny day.
Clean sheets.
Curious cat (MaggieMae).
I am so glad I have my Log Cabin quilt on my bed. I made very scrappy binding from all the neutrals in the quilt.
Hubby really likes the size of this monster. 144" X 115"
We only have a queen size bed. It has plenty of room for two humans and four cats. When we are all under there is still quilt hanging over. Perfect!!!!

I actually gave myself two quilts this month. And both are designs by Edtya Sitar of

I really love her color choices...browns...tans...creams...yummmmmmm

I used Minkee for the backing on the smaller quilt. I cannot wait to snuggle under it while hand piecing. The kitties have not found it yet. I have it over the back of a wooden rocking chair. One area they cannot balance on. HA!

Must sew...must sew on I made 100 4 1/2" paper pieced blocks. I also made some border blocks. More like a piano key border. I just wanted to see what they looked and felt like.  (They are in the last photo in this post.)
I like them so will make a bagillion more.
I was saying to DH that even after making 100+ blocks my string supply did not look to have went down at all. He said that is a good thing. My supply is never ending!!! What an understanding Hubby!

All ready to begin sewing. Baskets, papers, lights and strings!

A new quilting t-shirt. Gosh this is so true!!!!

And I just had to try a couple Moth in the Window blocks designed by Our Bonnie Hunter. (
I used shirts from my dear departed mother-in-law and son-in-law. They look perfect together. I will make a bunch more and use them to make a baby quilt for DGD who is pregnant and due in June. I have time....but they all keep making babies!!!!!! I am not going to be able to keep up someday!

Here are the border blocks on the left. They are 4 1/2" high and not all the same length. I did try to add some larger pieces on the edges so that when joining them I can adjust the seam to make the border fit better.



  1. WOW that log cabin is beautiful!! And so is the smaller quilt. I do love the colors you've used in these.

  2. You are such an inspiration, Subee! I was needing a project yesterday, something I could just mindlessly push under the needle, and I thought of all your string blocks "just waiting for a project", so I got busy! And I finished making the 70 8" string blocks today! I also made a wonky stringy piano key border for it, and will be putting it all together tomorrow! Woohoo! And in the process, I cleaned out my blue strings! Yippee! Thanks so much for posting your great string blocks! You gave me my mojo on this! :o)

  3. Oh my goodness! That IS a monster!!! What a wonderful big quilt to cuddle up in!!! Love them both - so warm and inviting :*) I haven't been tempted by the "Moth" blocks yet... gotta keep my focus on getting ready for Easy Street!

  4. Wow, great sharing, great job!

    We had a double bed for some 35 years and my quilts were plenty big enough. Then we went mad and got a the bulk of my quilts are not wide enough. I solve that with two quilts, one pulled further down on each side.

    The length I solved simply, I ripped old sheets into 5 pieces and sewed them to the bottom of quilts. Makes for a great turn-under and and do it now if I get tired of making a quilt...cut it short and add and sheet extender ;)

  5. I'm surprised your sewing machine didn't catch on fire with all that sewing. Your quilt and blocks all look great.
