Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Easy Street clue#5 complete

As with all of these clues, this clue was super easy. And Our Bonnie Hunter has still got me guessing as to the layout of this mystery quilt!!!
Many quilters are making this mystery quilt. Check them out on Bonnie's blog:


I do not usually buy fabric at Walmart. I do buy batting and yarn there. And then I spotted lots of the limey greens that Our Bonnie is using. I had to buy some as this is NOT a color I have in my stash. I was also very lucky and a clerk was close by and did a great job of cutting some off each bolt!!!

What a Christmas surprise from my wonderful husband, James Mohr. He bought me a drop dead gorgeous burgundy U-Bass. It is very small and light but packs the same punch as a full sized bass guitar. But the strings are kind to these old fingertips and the guitar fits my hand and fingers perfectly. How am I to sew and practice bass at the same time??? I still need to clone me!

I have a small amp to practice with. I am going to set this up real close to my sewing machine so I can sit in my sewing chair and still practice, practice, practice!

When I am too tired to sew at the machine I pick up a crochet hook and make some baby afghans. Dear Granddaughter #3 is expecting. We do not know the sex of the baby so I am using a multicolored yarn that will be okay no matter which sex it turns out to be. But with a plethora of great-grandsons, we are all hoping for a girl!!!

I finished my Subee's Stars quilt. Bess is inspecting my workmanship.



  1. LOVE your stars quilt! Awesome! And the baby afghan, too! I've fallen behind on Easy Street....hope to catch up by this Friday's clue. And what a fantastic gift.....your hubby chose perfectly! :o) Merry Christmas!

  2. Congratulations on the new bass Subee! And I love your Stars quilt :*) I'm finished with Clue #5 too - now I have to go back and finish up Clues 2-4.

    I hope your Christmas has been filled with blessings!

  3. Hi Subee. I finished my week 5 with the help of Lars sitting in his custom quilt supervisor bed. He likes to push his paws down in the spaces between the cushion and the side.

  4. Your Subee's Stars quilt looks great! Did Bess give her final approval? LOL Glad you got your Squatting Turkeys done. You must have found a really nice clerk at Walmart for her to cut some off of so many bolts! I didn't know you played bass. I played piano when I was really young, but never learned how to play a stringed instrument. Your afghan is looking really nice. The multicolored yarn makes it look so soft. I might have to pick up crocheting again myself. I need to spend some time sitting in my recliner instead of sewing. Merry Christmas!

  5. Love the stars quilt and Puss matches it perfectly did you design it for her??
    I finished step 5 and now want step 6. Oh well I will go back and reorganize the sewing room.

  6. I don't know what happened to the comment I posted the other day. As always, your blocks are looking great and you've got yourself a lovely batch of limey greens! Your husband was really sweet to get a U-Bass. The multicolored yarn makes your baby afghan look so soft! I think your Subee's Stars quilt is lovely. I'm sure Bess approved of your workmanship! Looking forward to our next clue.

  7. You've been busy! Great guitar. I had no idea you played. I'm hoping we join some of the Easy Street units this week. Merry Christmas.

  8. Love your new bass. When I was young I played a big bass and always said that I would have stayed with it if I could have had an electric bass. Congrats.

  9. Wow a Walmart that still does fabric cutting. All the stores around here have gone out of fabric on the bolts and only have pre-cuts. Enjoy your new bass, that is so cool.

  10. They look great I haven't been sewing for the last few months, and now we are in the middle of summer I just can't get into it. I hope to astart again next autumn.
