Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Leader Ender challenge from Our Bonnie Hunter!!

New Leader Ender challenge from Our Bonnie Hunter!!



Hoping at least one of those links will work.

Bonnie's posting today was just what I needed. I finished up all my spool blocks. They are all in groups of ten and I ended with an even ten...serendipity!!! I now have 810 spool blocks.


Our newest kitty member (#5)  has won over our hearts!!! Meet Lucky Lucy.

DH found her in the yard 3 weeks ago. Totally feral...untouchable even after a week of DH sitting outside with her, sweet talking and feeding her food. She bit and scratched him really bad one time. But we did not give up on her. There were (and still are) places on her back where all the fur is gone and is not growing back in. It almost looks as if a large jaw had hold of her. We have foxes and coyotes that visit from the river. Who knows what happened to her. It could also have been human meanness...I cannot fathom that fact. So I won't think about it.

On week two there was a large thunderstorm...our garage door was open and she simply walked in. So DH slowly shut that door and blocked the kitty door from the house. No drama...no nervous behavior. We continued to go out for another week and speak to her and give her food and water. She slowly began to trust us. Allowed touching then scratching and then cuddling ON THE GROUND ONLY.

Then we opened the house door (shut the "air" off) and waited for her to come into the house. She did...she is using the litterbox. She is using the cat scratch tree. No fleas. No ear mites...has turned into a real cuddle bug. She is still not happy being picked up. But we are working on her. She lets us press out her toenails...we have yet to try nail trimming. Small steps with such big rewards.

She has claimed my sewing chair as hers. She looks so beautiful on it. I swear she matches that quilt on the back.

This is Lucky Lucy under her favorite outside bush...so scared.

And I bought a new toy and all five cats love it. There has been minimal hissing and no cat fights at all. It is as if she was meant to be here. She shows no desire to go outside. I figure she is about 12 weeks old. When we get her a bit calmer we will take her to the vet...oh boy I hope she doesn't hold a grudge.

here is the best cat toy in the world!!!!! Best $20 I ever spent on a toy.

I received this gift package from the famous Pat Sloan. All my favorite colors and Aurifil thread. Thanks Pat Sloan...you rock! Quilters are so generous. And her basket made it safe and sound to Virginia. Read her post here:



  1. she is just gorgeous... so glad you adopted her... she will return lots of love.

  2. Such a pretty little kitty. Unusual coloration too. I believe we have a cat that has adopted us though I keep telling it that it's a porch cat and can't come in. I really don't want a second house cat & wish this one would move on.

  3. What a pretty kitty!

    I'll be working on spools for quite a while yet so no starting a new leader ender project for me.

    Barbara in MD

  4. When I seen that first photo, I thought wow that cat matches that quilt on the chair, and then as I read on down, you said the same thing. Glad all your other kitties are playing nice with her. Maybe it has to do with her being so young.

  5. What a beautiful new baby Subee, so nice that the other cats have made her welcome. I didn't do the spool leader and ender due to time constraints and too many projects but I am looking forward to the split nine patch as I have lots of
    2 1/2" squares and just got a Baby Go cutter with 2 1/2" HST template. I have tub of scraps waiting to be cut up.Now all I need is time :)

  6. That is amazing that the other cats all accept the new kitty! It took months for my cat to accept a feral kitty that my son found in a nearby park. They would sit at opposite ends of my dining room table with their backs to one another .... "I'm not speaking to you. Oh, yeah? Well I'm not speaking to you either!" Now they tolerate one another when Cloudy comes over for a play date with my Tigger. Funny little beasts.

  7. She is beautiful and matches your chair and quilt blocks perfectly. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful cat! I'm so glad you saved her & now she has a home. Bless you....What a nice gesture you gave Pat your basket. Love your cat beds you make. I have 2 cats myself....

  9. Your newest kitty is gorgeous! I hope she continues to settle down and relax into her new life. She's probably realising she's onto a good thing by now. You are very lucky your other cats are accepting her so well. Meant to be!

  10. Where have you been? I've been missing your posts. Hope everything is well with you.

  11. Where have you been? I've been missing your posts. Hope everything is well with you.
