Friday, October 18, 2013

More than 1,552 2 1/2" neutral squares cut now!

Yes, you read the title correctly. I have cut more than 1,500 squares in the last two nights. I did this because I "thought" I had exhausted my supply of neutral 2 1/2" squares. I found the remainder AFTER I had these two massive cutting sessions. They were hiding safely in the brown container. That was the last time I used them to make the Shaded 9-patch Leaders & Enders per Our Bonnie Hunter.

This is the result. I am so OCD. But there are really plus sides to being a control freak. All the squares are with their sisters. And as I use them I move them to another container so I get a good random selection. So there is truly a method to my madness.

And as I was harvesting my neutrals I cut 33 1/2 yard cuts of neutral to gift to my quilting friend Vicki. She is building her stash up slowly. I have been giving her boxes and bags of my scraps. She gets to keep the container too. I am making elbow room by doing this. Plus it makes me feel good. She will call and say what she gleaned from these gifties. They do not remain idle at her home!!!

I really like these type of containers. They stack well and the lids are very secure. And I also love the lime green handles!

I made these stars as "return from the hostess gifts" when I do the sleeve swap on the Yahoo group Quiltvilleswap. Most swappers include gifts to me and I love returning the favor.

See the method to my madness? Lots of control. But I have a very determined kitten who loves to play with my stacks of units. ARRRRGGGG!!!!
I have been training her to be a "good girl" which is her laying down and asking for the play
and then rewarding her with laser play. She does it over and over until she tires of the game and starts to really torment me at the sewing machine. Then I have to stop sewing.

My small sleeve cuttings for Ohio Stars. I am waiting for the swap to be over so I can add more variety before I sew too many.

Here is the little monster in a seldom seen position. Sound asleep and being an angel kitty. She is also tormenting James back in the family room. She KNOWS that climbing the screen door is a no no. So she runs and bounces off it before James can grab the water bottle. She is so defiant!! But that is the joy of Siamese cats. They have such strong personalities.

To give me more sewing time I bought this laser toy. It has a timer and many speeds. She has it figured out though. She will just lay down and grab at the light as it turns by. Smart kitty!


  1. I'd say your proclaimed OCD makes you one smart cookie cutter quilter. You are neutrally prepared for any project, and what a great quilting friend you are to help a friends stash along. I see we use the same Janome machine...I love mine.

    I am visiting from Quilters where I submitted my blog to be a part of this 'Quilters List of All Lists'.  While I'm waiting to be included, I'm visiting and introducting myself.   I owned a 'Brick and Mortar' quilt shop from 1996 through 2005, and now I've joined the online Quilt World with A Quilt Store and More ETSY Shop. My 'Niche' in the ever growing and competitive online fabric shopping world is my 'Inventory and Stash' from the years of buying and selling quality quilt fabrics from top designers and manufacturers. I'd love for you to visit me at CollectInTexas BlogShop which is linked to my ETSY Shop.  Today I am featuring a QUILTMAKER magazine pattern and choosing just the right Fabrics to make a Crib Quilt.  Just click on the signature link below...hope to see you there.  Your comments are 'Sew' Welcomed!

    Sue CollectInTexas BlogShop

  2. Thanks so very much for the nice comments. Yes, I LOVE my Janome machine. It is a workhorse and takes any type of thread I throw at it!
    XOXOXO Subee

  3. I love your site. I have a handful that I look at every day and yours is one of those. I enjoy looking at all your projects, it keeps me inspired. Wish I could get all my sewing things in such good order. Most of the time it looks like a train wreck in that's way to small, and I might add, love your kittens.... dj

  4. I love your site. I have a handful that I look at every day and yours is one of those. I enjoy looking at all your projects, it keeps me inspired. Wish I could get all my sewing things in such good order. Most of the time it looks like a train wreck in that's way to small, and I might add, love your kittens.... dj

  5. Sienese your productivity amazes me! Are you using a machine cutter like the Go or is it just you using arm power? How many layers do you cut at a time.

  6. Hi Subee, Hey awesome cutting and organization of your neutrals. Great that you are passing along your scraps in such a nice way. My way of taming some of my neutrals, is a free pattern of Bonnie Hunter's, "Strip Twist."

  7. There is nothing wrong with OCD. It's called being organised. Love the kitty toy. My new kitty loves to help (get in the way) when I'm quilting too! But really I think she just wants to learn who to quilt too lol

  8. Hi Subee! I visit every day or so but don't usually leave a comment. We have 2 cats that adopted us about 7 years ago. Both spayed & neutered. The male has a habit of chewing on my plants even tho he knows he's not supposed to. Rascal. He was getting at my baby palm on the kitchen counter. Palm leaves don't grow back like other plants. I ended up moving it to another room, hung from the ceiling in front of window. I do not know how, but he's still getting at it. Noticed new chew marks. What a Devil......I Love, love your organizing tips. I kitted up 5 quilts today. But I definitely need to get more neutrals!!
