Love, love, love this quilt pattern. Bonnie has given us many lovely quilts to copy. This one stole my heart when I saw it in her newest book, Adventures with Leaders & Enders. I now need to add two borders to call this one done. And I only made one extra block...for me that is cutting it real close!
Can you see the colorwash? My dear Hubby planned this out for me. I so love it when he plays with my blocks.
#1 reason is his participation.
#2 reason is he can reach the ENTIRE DESIGN WALL. That saves me from climbing up and down the ladder/stool.
Which I had to do this morning. The fabric I wanted for the second sashing was buried in the corner of the cutting room. You all would have laughed at how I managed to pull the container out from under 5 other containers piled to the ceiling. Also another hazard was the bolt shelf that butts up against this stack of containers. The containers are holding the bolts straight too.
I did it! And found a treasure of light to medium neutrals that were purchased in 2001. (I found the receipt in the container)
WHOOOHOOOO! I love fabric shopping in my stash.
This was my Valentine's present from DH. It smells so good. And the kitties do not seem to mind that it is in one of their catbeds. It is the best place to get the morning sun.
I know this picture is dark.
But I wanted you to see the cat beds I make and where the flower pot is placed.
Here is our Macy. She is basking in the heating blanket's warmth. She asks for it to be turned on. She sure has us trained.
She went to the vet for her yearly exam. She hates the drive and lets us know quite loudly. She becomes so very quiet after getting into the exam room. She has gained 1/2 a pound since her last visit. I am very pleased with that. She is 6 years old now.
We nearly lost her a year ago. She ate a wired fine ribbon and nearly died. Some super great vets saved her life. We had to force feed her afterwards as she had given up living. We baby her and praise her all day long now.
Well...I made you go through other pictures to get to my other picture of my progress on the Bow-Dacious.