Friday, August 6, 2010

Our Bonnie with my Crabapple quilt

The following e-mail greeted me when I opened my program!

Hi there....this is Bonnie holding your top early this morning in my living room. She loved it and commented on your chosing the perfect tree border. I'll holler at you when I have it finished.
Mary @ Quilt Hollow

I cannot begin to tell you all how thrilled and honored I am to have our Bonnie Hunter touching my quilt and Mary Flynn doing her magic quilting! The quilt blends so nice with Mary's house.
This was the first quilt I simply had to make following the release of her latest book "Adventures with Leaders & Enders"

Now how am I going to sleep tonight?


  1. Oh Sue - you show off!!!! LOLOL

    This is one great quilt!!! A beauty

  2. how exciting, now this is a quilt with a history! cw

  3. Subee how fabulous that Bonnie was able to see your quilt and that Mary is quilting it.

  4. What a thrill and honor! Your quilt looks great, good job.

  5. I understand completely! But.....I wonder if Bonnie has a clue how "star-struck" we are when she does something as simple as 'holding up a quilt for a pic' for us.

    What a treasure! (the quilt and the photo)

  6. I bet Bonnie was as thrilled to see your quilt in person as you are to see a picture of her holding it!! It's a beauty :)

  7. Oh received the photo! I hadn't heard and wondered.

  8. Just beautiful! I love your blog! Your quilts are wonderful! Very exciting. ~ Take Care

  9. Oh my...this is a very exciting day! You must be beside yourself...I know I would be! And you have a photo to prove should make a photo transfer of Bonnie holding your quilt and put it on the back of the is part of the history of the quilt now!
