Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Update on the Unwelcomed visitor and Neutral Swap Squares

I wrote a note on a piece of muslin and attached that to a braid of selvedges then tied this on the black cat. (this was suggested by one of my followers)
The note said:
" I have been visiting 227 TwilloRun Drive and watching Sue sew.
Sue wants to know if I have permission to visit her."
The black cat did not mind the collar at all. She is so very tame.
A few days later she returned without the collar/note.
Now it has been over a week and I have not seen her. I hope she is inside her home and not dead on a road somewhere.

Here is a picture of my 1 1/2" squares for the neutral swap I have going on with the regular fabric swap over at Yahoo Groups.
There was a good response with signups. This will be a great addition to the swaps. No one can ever have enough neutrals.
The container on the left is the one I use to collect the strips before cutting. And yes, on the backside of my cutting table I have LOTS of bolts of fabrics.
Here is a close-up view.
Take your glasses off...back off ten feet...they are neutrals if they read as a solid!
Here are the first swapper's neutrals to arrive....lovely little gems!

Has anyone tried "PinMoors"?
They are a spongie little tip for the ends of straight pins. Makes straight pins an easy tool for quilting smaller items. I just did some diagonal quilting on this piece of fabric. The PinMoors keep the pin in place...no sticking your fingers or palms...they remove easily.


  1. glad to hear that the braided selvage collar worked. You never know the cat may be bringing you a neighbor that wants to learn to sew.! cw

  2. I think it was really considerate of you to attach a note. I would've hoped her owner would contact you and thank you.

  3. Subee, that is a neat notion where did you get them? Ellen

  4. I found the Pinmoors at :
    real nice video too!

  5. Neat notion! I just order Pinmoors. Thanks for telling us about them.

  6. Thanks for the info on PinMoors. I am soooo tired of being stuck while quilting! I'm ordering some today.
