I finished this Strip Twist yesterday. It measures 56X72. A perfect size for a 7 year old. It is ready for quilting. I need to decide on a backing fabric. Anna loves orange and pink together so I may use an orange fabric for the backing. Kudos to Bonnie Hunter, creator of
www.quiltville.com , for giving us this great pattern.
Really like how that turned out! I like pink and orange together too. I love Bonnie's patterns also, they are so fun
It looks great and will "cover" quite a few stains, that it is likely to get from its new owner...
Your Strip Twist turned out great. She is going to love it. That is one of my favorite designs.
This is just darling! All of your work is amazing...the Africa quilt took my breath away:).
It's a beauty. I love that pattern, and your colors are beautiful.
I love this pattern, I will make it " one of this years" so many quilts so little time, but I really like the way yours turn out
the colors blends reall good, congratulations.
I really dig this quilt
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