All done, labeled and bound. Started quilting at 7 this morning and was done at 1:30! I love my Janome 6600P. The 9" throat allows so much room for quilting. I did a diagonal cross hatching. I used a southwest horse fabric for the backing. This quilt is for my grand daughter Arika. She loves horses. The print went very nicely with the border fabric. Her birthday is March 7th. I am early and have it ready to take to the guild meeting tonight. WhoooHoo!

I used 200 safety pins to baste this quilt. I know it is 200 because I opened a new package of these "safety brites" and I used all of them plus a few extra I had on hand. I had to open a new package because the bulk of my pins are in two hand quilting projects. I love hand quilting but it takes sooooooo long to finish them. I am glad I had another package of these pins. If you haven't tried them yet do so. They are very sharp and very easy to see. I basted the quilt on my machine frame. Took only an hour to load the machine and put in all the pins. I did that yesterday while doing laundry. So much easier on the back than crawling on the floor.

I did not have any idea of how I was going to quilt this when I stated this morning. After I went around the borders a couple of times I could see what the quilt wanted. It did not take away from the piecing at all. I love it!

I added a label and one of my "SubeeSews Originals" labels. I used the navy fabric for the binding. All in all it came out great! I cannot wait for my guild friends to see this quilt. Several ladies have brought their quilts in for show and tell. They all look so different. None has shown one like this one yet!
Your fellow members at the guild tonight are in for a treat and will be in awe of your Granddaughters quilt ,it is beautiful ....love Jan xx
The quilt is beautiful and your GD will be so very happy. Whaat a lucky girl.
It looks GREAT! I'm always tentative about mystery quilts... I second guess my color choices and everything. Yours came out FABULOUS!
Can you explain a little more about the safety pins? I googled safety brites, but did not find anything. Thanks, Carmen
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