I kept a log of the time and the name of each swapper's stack of squares I used.
(that was to avoid repeats and I do like to know how long it does take me to piece a quilt)
I now have the top done...but no picture in my camera yet. I am thinking I may make another whole set of blocks and make this quilt GIGANTIC for my own bed. It seems I have been churning out lots of lap size quilts and I do need another for my bed.
I rotated my sewing area back to "winter" mode. The sun no longer blinds me when I sit in this position. Only problem is hubby has to back into the driveway because the sun reflection from his windshield hits me right in my left eye. I have been very light sensitive lately. Maybe it is growing older...maybe it is something else.
Anyway, here is the work area. Fun, fun, fun! And Baby on the back of the chair. She gives me back rubs when I am sitting in the chair. She also tries to kiss my neck...but I stop her...it tickles!
Love the little baggies with their BEAUTIFUL patches. I have another swap on my Yahoo group going that is due by December 15, 2010. Then I am doing a neutral swap due in January 2011.
This little clear napkin holder is the best for holding Bonnie's book. So I can admire her work as I work.
I do have an extra copy (autographed) of her book Adventures with Leaders & Enders if any of you are interested. E-mail me privately please.
I started another hand quilting project using Bonnie's Freehand Fan method.
This is Stubby's spring litter female that Stubby allows in her territory. She also takes food from our hands now. But she does one trick that Stubby never did. She climbs the storm door and peeks in and I swear she knocks on the door. When I open the door with food I am afraid she will dash in. The kitties are hoping she dashes in! You can see just a tiny bit of MaggieMae's fur at the door. They sniff noses at the corner. Too funny!Poor Stubby. When it rains she gets so very wet. Her tail does not work like an umbrella. I worry so about her when it does get cold. Squirrels wrap their bodies with their tails to keep warm too. But we must be doing something right as she is starting her thrird winter with us!
Before the turning of the sewing area after my return from Shipsee. Baby loves cubby holes.
Macy says "hi". She is getting famous from her video. And I do believe that she has hubby trained!
Who could resist that belly?????

We had a tornado warning. The sirens went off. So the kitties and I went under the dining room table and we all snacked on yogurt until the "all clear" sounded. Some areas very close to us had wind damage. I believe 10 tornadoes struck the area that day.
My bread did not rise...it was edible but short.
I bought some fresh yeast and the next two loaves were great. Then I tried some wheat flour and was disappointed again. Anyway...it sure smells good baking.
My patch from Shipshewana retreat!
I hope everyone was alright after the tornado warning. You are changing your room for winter and I am trying to get all the quilting done before it gets too hot.'
I love your cats, I only have one inside and he likes to sit on the quilts while I am trying to quilt them on the machine, very annoying.
Love all your projects and seeing the photos of them on your blog
I made an Irish chain too! On my blog...yours is gorgeous, those pieces are so little!
Beautiful Irsih Chain project and the bread even if it did not rise, looks good to eat.
I enjoy so much reading your blog and see the progress of your quilts.
Thanks for sharing.
Good that your husband cooperates by backing the car into the driveway. I had to chuckle about why.
All the sewing going on in your room has the makings of a good scrap quilt.
What a great post! I just love how your quilt is coming together.
Lots of terrific activity going on in your neck of the woods... love, love, love that gorgeous scrap quilt! I, too, have to change out my yeast more frequently than I would have imagined to have good bread success. I now mark the date I opened it on the lid and get a new jar in three months, no longer. I've had no bad results since I adopted that method but I haven't baked any wheat bread!
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