I have been sewing since 7:00 this morning. I still need to made 40 more then I am done with these. They are so much fun. I cut enough to make 30 extra. I may go ahead and sew them up to play with later.

I have this step done. I have 287 9patches done! More than twice what I need. I am a maniac.

This was my view from my sewing machine during some of the snow and -19 temps we suffered for several days. My legs were cold so I stuffed an old quilt on the floor under the machine between me and the window. There are advantages and disadvantages to sewing in front of a big window.

Just grabbed a quick shot of the radar. Hubby has now informed me I am NOT to tell him what snow is coming if he calls home. He gets so sick of plowing snow. Like housework it is never done.
Double Delight is going to be gorgeous! I love the fabrics you chose!
Just keep chugging along. I like your tip with the little inexpensive baskets to hold the units. Great idea and they stack when you're done.
Hope you can stay warm. Here in western Nebraska we're doing OK. We lucked out so far.
No wonder you are getting so much done, you look so organized. I will get there one of these days. My gold triangles are sewn on all my blue step 1 squares. I'mhoping to get the other side done today. Serious baby steps.
Love your blog - and your kitties! Funny how many quilters enjoy cats, too. Your boxes and trays for fabric and completed units are such a good idea. I will have to try that, too!
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