I am the Hostess for a swap on my Yahoo Group Postagestamp swappers. Being a bit OCD, I love cutting 50 different fabrics into 25 sets. "Yes", I say to myself. "Love the stacks and counting!"

My Orphan block from the two Carolina Christmas quilts asked to be a small quilt all by itself instead of being in my daughter Laura's birthday quilt. So I listened to the fabric. I also used the leftovers of the backing from the two CC quilts. So, this little topper is totally an orphan medley. I have always loved the little "flanges" of color I have seen in magazines. I tried the technique myself for the first time and love the effect. The hot pink is a leopard spot print. The black border is a black Fat Cat print.

This quilt will be only 36" square. It will be a kitty quilt. Yes, I know, a lot of work for a kitty quilt but they love them so, I get to keep them and that protects my "real" quilts. Do you see MaggieMae in the background watching the birds?

I love that hot pink flange!

And here is Laura's birthday quilt. Her BD is not until May so I can still plan on a fancy border for this quilt. She just bought her first home and will have a new bed. So it needs to be bigger of course.
The pattern can be found in the book called "Loose Change". The quilt in the book is called "Jamie's Quilt".
Love the kitty quilt, AND your Carolina -not- Christmas!! :cD Awesome color choices!
So fun to talk to you yesterday Subee! Thanks for calling in and not leaving me with no callers..*LOL*
Great pics!!! I love the black and white. And, the pink is an adorable touch of color!
Quit with that loose change pattern!! I already had to buy the ruler you used recently. This is the second time you have tempted me to buy a new book. The quilt is lovely.
Oh my! The black and white is striking. And that hot pink flange is wonderful.
Just perfect. you have a great eye for colour.
I have used a flange on my quilt. As soon as my room is finished I will continue work and post pics soon.
Hopefully carpet will go in this week. over a month late!
Your black and white quilt is sure pretty and so is kitty kitty. HAPPY SEWING!
I heard you on the radio with Bonnie today...very fun!
You're famous!
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