I am on a pink streak. I am not complaining just observing! Here are two of the blocks using Marilyn Doheny's 45 Kaleidoscope Ruler.

I broke down and bought another speciality ruler. I am such a gaget girl. But this one I am actually using with ease! I was only going to make a couple blocks but now I have enough cut for the entire quilt. I thank Elaine Adair for blogging about this ruler.

Check out these two kitties. They NEVER get close to one another. Macy (the one on the left) must be heatseeking. She gets so very cold and I think she joined Pearl to siphon heat from her. No one but my hubby would get a kick out of this picture. Most people's cats seem to cuddle together. We have five cats who all want to be the only cat in the house. No one cuddles except with the humans.
Your ruler certainly helped you make nice kaleidoscope blocks! And pink is good.
Oh that is a pretty block!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...
I can't imagine you making a mess in that beautiful sewing room it looks so lovely and organized.
I have piles everywhere of fabric I have pulled and not folded and put away yet....need to do that soon.....cause its a MESS in here :0)
Happy sewing
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