Hubby just phoned me to say the actually saw an entire flock of robins a moment ago. He is sooooooooooo anxious for Spring weather.

I tried very hard to match Bonnie's color choices. Alas, I do not have Double Pinks in my stash. I did find a small piece of light pink gingham. I used that for the first sash. Then from the almost avalance of containers I picked the second sashing. The darker first border was an internet purchase I made years ago and was totally dissapointed with the fabric. But it has now made it into several of my quilts. I guess it was a wise purchase after all.
The final border was a nice piece of a teadye beige. It really calms down the interior. And DH likes it too.

Love, love, love this pattern by Bonnie Hunter. It is in her newest book called Aventures with Leaders & Enders. You can find it/her at
Here it is. All done and now I can start to piece on something else without the guilt trip I was taking myself down. It measures roughly 62" square. Not nearly as big as Our Bonnie's quilt in the book. But satifying to me.
Yesterday I started on two other quilts from her book using the 1 1 /2" squares. I only sewed a short time but toally enjoyed the experience.
Stunning! I love Bonnie's book and have been L&E the 2" pieces for her Blue Heaven quilt.
Scrappy bow tie blocks. I never thought of making the bow ties scrappy within the block. A very good look.
I love how you have put the fabrics together. Beautiful quilt.
Love this quilt esp the way you and your DH have colour washed it - now I am anxiously awaiting my signed copy of L & E arriving ;>)
Sandy in South Australia
Sue - Your Bow-Dacious looks BOW-LISHIOUS!!!
Great job! I've enjoyed watching it come together for you :)
So what's next? ;)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Amazing quilt in an even more AMAZING amount of time!
Very inspiring!
Bow-daciously beautiful quilt! Love the color wash, can't wait to get this book!
Love your colors and piecing. You will make Bonnie proud.
Oh its absolutly beautiful....I so need to do one of these....join it to the list !!!! Hope your cats have recovered from the milk dog hates water too....
Very pretty quilt, and I am also sooooo anxious for spring, send those robins my way!!!
LOVE IT!!!! It tickles me so much to see your quilt come together!
Subee wow, great selection and the layout is just wonderful. Can't wait to start my own.
Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I've just been flicking through my followers and will add you to my favourites now. I love this one. I'm stuck on a quilt at the moment and it's really frustrating!
I love this quilt, particularly what you have done with the colours.
I just love the rainbow effect. This is so cute, Well done!
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