The squirrels come to me when I leave the front door. They expect peanuts and I have them in excess now. I was buying them in 10 oz. bags at the grocery store. $$$$$$$
I found them online much less expensive.
www.nutsonline.comFast shipping and PayPal convenience. The squirrels, chipmunks, bluejays and I are very happy with them!

This is a youngster. He eats them instead of hiding them for later. That's ok...his Momma, Stubby (who has no tail) hides any he misses.
We have the same "problem". Between squirrels, gray and ground, turkeys and birds, we go through a five pound bag of peanuts everyday,unsalted. Thank you, Costco. We buy thirty bags a month. My husband is always asked who eats them all, to which he readily replies, "I have an elephant."
Bless you for taking care of the wee ones.
My husband works as an public intrepreter at a local sky observatory.
They have a squirrel they called Go 2 and he had been busy squirreling away all the peanuts they give him all summer long. He even has a little tent and small telescope that he looks like he is viewing from.
Bruce can hide a peanut up behind his ear and the squirrel will come and find it.
They have gone through more than a view bags of peanuts this summer.
It is amazing how smart they are..
Warmest regards,
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